Custom Lightbox Badge Exam Answer
1) In Studio, HTMLS Lightbox creatives upload as which format type?
a) In-pageAnswer : c)
b) Floating
c) Expanding
d) Mobile In-app
2) Which is an accepted Invitation state and expand dimension size?
a) 300x250 to 1000x1000Answer : b)
b) 120x600 to Fullscreen
c) 468x60 to 1000x800
d) 200x200 to 1000x800
3) The maximum size for the expanded state of any type of Lightbox creative is 1000x700.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
4) Fill in the blank:
When you upload an HTMLS Lightbox creative in Studio, the x-index must be set to less than_______ . Otherwise, the expanding progress her won't be visible for the invitation state.
• Please note the missing number is exact
5) You don't need to add a close button to the expanded state of a Llghtbox creative because its automatically added to the top-right corner when the ad serves.
a) True
b) False
Answer : a)
6) Upon which action(s) can an HTML5 Lightbox ad expand when served to touch enabled devices?
a) Tap
b) Scroll
c) Hover
d) Tap or drag
Answer : a)
7) After how long should you stop all animation and video?
a) 15 secondsAnswer : d)
b) 60 seconds
C) 10 seconds
d) 30 seconds
8) A border of contrasting color is required on all invitation states.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
9) You shouldn't add polite loading into a Lightbox as the GDN environment won't recognize polite load.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
10) If a creative will run on both mobile devices and desktop, you should set the background images for the different invitation states/CTAs directly in the CSS.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
11) YouTube and streaming videos have a limit of 10MB load size per interaction.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
12) You can only add a video in a Lightbox creative If the Youtu be Player component is used.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
a) 1 secondAnswer : b)
b) 2 seconds
c) 3 seconds
d) No delay
14) What method does the creative use to request a fullscreen expansion In an HTML5 Lightbox?
b) queryFullscreenDlmenslons()
c) handleExpandMouseEvent();
d) requestFullscreenExpan()
15) Fill in the blank with the appropriate event:
Enabler .addEventListemer (studio . Events. StudioEvent ._________
function() {
document .getElementId('invitation'). Style.display = 'block'
document .getElementId('engaged'). Style.display = 'none';
16) What are two of the most common reasons for QA rejection for Custom Lightboo ads?
a) Lack of contrasting border & falling to stop animation within 30 seconds.Answer : a)
b) Lack of contrasting border & lack of 2 second hover delay.
c) Lack of contrasting border & lack of lightbox background.
d) Lack of contrasting border & lack of close button.
17) When you upload a cross-screen Lightbox creative to Studio, what format do you choose?
a) FloatingAnswer : b)
b) Expanding
c) In-page
d) Mobile In-app
18) You have to specify concrete expanded dimensions for cross-screen HTMLS Lightboxes.
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
19) Cross-screen HTML Light!"ox creatives use the DoubleClick Studio full screen expanding API.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
20) If your creative uses theYouTube player, you must create a test page using the GDN Expandable preview tool to check that the HTML5 Lightbox creative is working properly.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
21) To determine the maximum available size for expanding, if you want to expand to smaller than or up to the maximum dimensions, call the guetyFullscreenOlmenslons0 method.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
22) For coverage across all screens when building a cross-screen liTML5 Lightbox creative, at a bare minimum, you should create invitation states In sizes 3200 50 and 300 0 250.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
23) Because of how the GDN handles Lightbox expansion, you can't track expansions using DoubleClick's expand API. Instead, you can add a custom counter to track the expansion, but be sure to add It when the expand panel Is fully loaded.
a) TrueAnswer : a)
b) False
24) An expansion call-to-action (CTA) phrase in an invitation state
a) must accurately reflect the ad serving platform (ex.'tap to expand' when servered to touch enabled devices)Answer : b)
b) both B and C
c) is not required
d) must clearly indicate the expansion (ex.'hover to expand')
25) When you use the YouTube video player component, and the autoPlayType property is set to 'none or "preview'', it will increment the YouTube public view count
a) TrueAnswer : b)
b) False
26) What should be the size of the parent <cliy> if your Invitation state is 120x600 and your expanded state is 9700250?
a) 1200x600Answer : d)
b) 1200x250
c) 970x250
d) 970x600
27) To set your creative as a Lig htboz, which line of code should be entered after the Enabler has been initialized?
a) EnablenexpansionMode(lIghtboz");Answer : b)
b) EnablersetHintEexpanslonModeilightbon
c) Enablenexpand('expansionModeVlightbox');
d) Enablecexpand("lightbox");
28) What is the minimum amount of invitation states recommended to build a cross screen Lightbox creative?
a) 1Answer : b)
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
29) Setting the expansion mode to Lightbox ensures that the following Lightbox functionallties are Implemented:
a) Gray translucent background on the engaged state.Answer : a)
b) Removing the close button tram the top light corner.
c) 10 second hover.
d) VouTube video tracking.
30) Fill in the blank:
The reemmeaded sloe for the expanded state of a Lightbox creative is ____ x ____.
*Please note.missing nowders are laaa.